von Sophie Walker | Jan. 18, 2021 | App, Co-Design, Development, EN, Research
Let’s kick off 2021 with a good amount of reading! At the end of 2020, the research report “Projekt CH+ Games for Democracy. User-Friendly Political Self-Education through Entertainment Design” was published in the gamevironments trade magazine. The report, explains...
von Sophie Walker | Okt. 15, 2020 | App, EN, Media
On Friday we were „The Idea“ at 10vor10! We would like to thank SRF – Swiss Radio and Television for the opportunity and Stefanie Bailer from the University of Basel for her exciting perspective. Click here for the segment (German)....
von Sophie Walker | Okt. 9, 2020 | App, EN, Security
Security in Everyday Life Generally speaking, „security“ describes the absence of threats. In many everyday situations, dangers can be easily recognised: if a car speeds towards us without braking or if someone in public transport coughs potential corona...
von Sophie Walker | Okt. 6, 2020 | App, Development, EN
For the elections in Basel-Stadt we worked together with Knobotech GmbH. The company of Sven and Nils Knobloch develops apps and web apps. For Projekt CH+ they turned our designs for the Basel election aid into reality. They also have a major part in providing us with...
von Sophie Walker | Sep. 30, 2020 | App, EN, Media
Our electoral aid was on show in Telebasel on 29 September. Nina Mathys from the Junge Rat and Sophie Walker from Projekt CH+ explained what the CH+ Election App is all about. The news segment can be found here on the Telebasel website (German)....